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Cats and Dehydration

Dehydration and diet

The National Research Council of the National Academy of Science found that cats who eat dry food exclusively consume less total moisture than cats who eat canned food. And surprisingly, most cats who are fed a diet of dry food don’t drink enough water to make up for the low moisture content of that food.


Higly nutritious and moisutre rich diets will also help with feline urinary tract disease and Uretral obstructions like mineral cysts or stones etc., and healthy kidney function.

If your kitty is not drinking enough water here are some helpful tips to keep your him hydrated:
  • Cats are fascinated with running water so drinking fountains with continually flowing water are great. 


  • Filtered water is ofen preferred by cats instead of tap water which often 'hard water' filled with high concentrates of minerals.


  • Clean fresh water should always be available


  • Adding wet food to their diet. If high quality canned food gets too expensive you can try prepairing food at home. Dry food is only 10 percent water, while canned is approximately 80 percent water.

At Maddie Mae's Pet Pantry we are knowlegeable and happy to help but we are not veternarians. We do extensive research and carefully choose our products but neither our advise nor or our lists of tips and helpful hints should be substitued by a visit to your veterenarian.

Travel Buds

Socialize and take them along. Pets make great travel companions

Listen to them

Bad behaviors, anxiety, health issues etc. Pay attention and you can help.

Keep them healthy

You are what you eat, how you play and what you enjoy.

The number one building block in a solid foundation!

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